An accommodation can be requested at any point in a student's time at Tulane. However, logistical considerations in the review, determination, and implementation of certain accommodations necessitate adherence to certain priority deadlines for a student to submit an application with the Goldman Center, to allow for review, determination, and coordination. These dates are in conjunction with important dates of the Academic Calendar set by the Office of the University Registrar, as well as logistics of Housing & Residence Life.
All deadlines are 5:00PM Central for the associated date.
*Requests submitted after this date may be referred to Case Management for appropriate support.
**Students in the School of Law should follow internal deadlines set by Dean Wojna-Hodnett's office.
Dates subject to change. Last revised: 1/24/2024.
Spring 2025
January 2: Office reopens after Winter Break.
January 10: Spring Scholar Accessibility Open House, 1-4PM at the Goldman Center
January 13: Classes begin for NTC students. All students should activate existing academic accommodations and coordinate accommodations, as needed.
January 13-17: Meeting freeze in the Goldman Center, to support operations.
January 17: PRIORITY DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTING REQUESTS FOR HOUSING ACCOMMODATIONS. All future requests will be considered on a rolling basis.
January 27-Feb 20: Drop-in hours on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 2:30-4:00PM in the Goldman Center to support housing accommodation requests.
January 24: Priority deadline to request accommodative support for absences and tardiness.*
January 24: Priority deadline to be approved for a Reduced Course Load accommodation.
January 31: BACK ON TRACK! table and support event from 11-2PM at the Goldman Center, for help and fun in scheduling exams, coordinating accommodations, and connecting with the Goldman Center fort the Spring 2025 semester.
February 15: PRIORITY DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTING REQUESTS FOR HOUSING ACCOMMODATIONS FOR SPRING SCHOLAR AND TRANSFER STUDENTS who are in their first semester at Tulane. All future requests will be considered on a rolling basis.
February 28: Priority deadline to request accommodative support for registration.
February 28: Priority deadline to request accommodative support for the foreign language requirement for planning for the Fall 2025 semester.
March 1-May 1: Priority deadline for INCOMING STUDENTS to request housing accommodations for the Fall 2025 semester.
March 24: Last day to change grade to Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory in all classes, including in a foreign language classroom.
April 11: Priority deadline to request or modify academic accommodations for final exams for the Spring 2025 semester.**
May 1: Priority deadline for incoming students requesting housing accommodations ends. All future requests are considered on a rolling basis.
May 5-9: Meeting freeze with the Goldman Center to support final exam operations.
Summer 2025
Incoming students should submit their application for accommodations as soon as possible with the Goldman Center. Our office processes a high volume of requests. Depending on application submission, we cannot guarantee a determination of accommodations ahead of move-in or for when classes begin.
June 1: Priority deadline to request accommodative support for registration for incoming freshmen.
July 15: Priority deadline to submit a request for academic accommodations for consideration and determination before move-in and class start in August.
Fall 2025 - PROPOSED DATES, Pending Academic and HRL Calendars
August: Access Open House will be hosted by the Goldman Center for each day of new student move-in.
August 11-22: Meeting freeze for the Goldman Center to support operations.
August 18: Classes begin for NTC students. All students should activate existing academic accommodations and coordinate accommodations, as needed.